In This World There Is Room For Everyone Magnet


In the world there is room for everyone. - Charlie Chaplin

Magnet is a great gift or cool addition to your fridge!

Magnet is 3.5" Square

Printed in the USA

I Want This!

In the world there is room for everyone. - Charlie Chaplin

Magnet is a great gift or cool addition to your fridge!

Magnet is 3.5" Square

Printed in the USA

In the world there is room for everyone. - Charlie Chaplin

Magnet is a great gift or cool addition to your fridge!

Magnet is 3.5" Square

Printed in the USA

Express Your Feelings Magnet
Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery, Today Is A Gift Magnet
Be Joyful Though You Have Considered All The Facts Magnet
Say No To Hate! Magnet
Normal Is Boring Magnet